Prepping List For Beginners

Starting your prepping journey can be an exciting yet daunting task. Preparing for emergencies doesn’t mean diving into doomsday scenarios but ensuring your safety and comfort in unexpected situations. To help you get started, here’s a comprehensive prepping list with products that are highly rated on Amazon, frequently purchased, and reliable. Each product is linked directly to its Amazon page for your convenience. Let’s dive into the essentials.

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Water: The Most Critical Resource

Water is life, and having access to clean drinking water during an emergency is a top priority.

Water Filtration

  • LifeStraw Personal Water Filter: A compact and portable water filter that removes bacteria, parasites, and microplastics from water. It’s lightweight, requires no batteries, and filters up to 1,000 gallons of water. Perfect for both emergencies and outdoor adventures.
    View on Amazon
  • Sawyer Products Mini Water Filtration System: Another excellent option, this small but powerful filter can attach to standard water bottles, hydration packs, or be used directly as a straw. It filters out 99.9999% of bacteria and protozoa.
    View on Amazon

Water Storage

Food: Stockpile Essentials for Sustenance

Non-perishable food supplies are a cornerstone of any prepper’s plan. Focus on items with long shelf lives and minimal preparation requirements.

Emergency Food Supplies

Additional Food Staples

First Aid: Essential for Injuries

No prepping list is complete without a reliable first aid kit to address minor injuries and prevent infections.

Basic First Aid Kits

Tools and Gear: Versatile and Indispensable

In emergencies, having the right tools can make all the difference.


See my full review on the outstanding Leatherman Wave+ Multitool here.

Fire Starters

Lighting and Communication

Stay informed and visible, even during power outages or disasters.



Shelter and Warmth

Protecting yourself from the elements is vital in any survival situation.



Hygiene and Sanitation

Maintaining hygiene during emergencies prevents illness and boosts morale.

Compact Hygiene Items

Waste Management

Important Documents and Cash

In emergencies, having access to critical documents and cash is often overlooked but essential.

Document Storage

Additional Resources and Learning Materials

To deepen your preparedness knowledge, check out these helpful books:

Final Thoughts

Prepping doesn’t have to be intimidating or expensive. Start with the basics and gradually build your supplies over time. With the products listed above, you can take the first steps toward creating a well-rounded emergency kit. Each item is designed to provide safety, convenience, and peace of mind. Ready to start prepping? Click the links above to explore and purchase the tools you need! Stay safe and prepared.